How to Manage a Patient and Employees

When I was still a new nurse in Saudi Arabia, it’s always been hard for me to make decisions especially if the employee was angry. My decisions back then were, most of the time-- influenced.

Until I have learned some guidelines on how to handle those kind of situations properly.

If you are a new company nurse and came to this site looking for tips on how to handle those employees, then you came at the right place.

First, let us understand where this anger is coming from.

The Feeling of Rejection

Whenever you reject a person, he could get mad. Nobody wants rejection. Why?

Because once a person was not allowed to do or to have what he wanted, it would inflict an emotional pain which could be reflected out through his actions.

Bad mood will start to build. And then, anger follows next. He will either try harder to get what he wanted or--he will just simply leave.

So, how can I handle such situation?

Don’t let the patient feels rejected


  • First thing to do is assure him that you are in his side. That you are prioritizing him in making decision than the company-- even if you do.
  • Then explain to him that you could not recommend for sick leave because based on the company policies and guidelines, he is not qualified. And breaking the company rules might get you in trouble.
  • Tell something that will benefit him like:

-Employees with sick leaves will be not prioritized if the company has a program like home ownership program.
-Employees with lots of sick leaves are the first ones to be nominated if the company has retrenched.
-Employees who have lots of sick leaves are unlikely to be promoted
-Or anything that sick leave status of employees is a criterion for giving such benefits.
By stating these to employees, you are making yourself as their advocate instead of foe.

They will have a second thought on taking a sick leave and take heed your advice happily--Which is I guess, the most important.

Those were always been effective for me-- And for You too.

What if the patient kept asking for sick leave after the above explanations?

First thing to do is don’t panic and be attentive. You're a SCFHS License Nurse remember? You can read this article on How to Process Prometric Exam if you're not yet licensed nurse in Saudi.

Now let's go back..When I was still new, I always panic if the patients get angry. Whenever the employee noticed that I am affected and shaking, he continue pushing me until he gets what he wanted.

I had realized that my decisions for recommending sick leaves back then were greatly affected.

Obviously, my manager reprimanded me on those situations—and I don’t want that to happen to you.

What you just need to do is remember the guidelines in giving sick leaves and handle the situation with these 3 steps.

  1. Talk with the employee and explain once again why you did not recommend him for a sick leave--in a professional way, and as calm as possible.
  2. Call his direct supervisor immediately and tell him about the matter. Record every detail clearly, and if possible, put the timings in each conversation.
  3. Call the security if the employee became aggressive and you feel that he might do something undesirable.

Although cases of aggressive patients are uncommon, you still need to be ready.

The most important thing to do is…

Never ever forget your documentation. In every single thing you do, document!

Documentation is considered as legal evidence which you may rely on if the employee complains against you.

So, be sure you have well documented everything; what you have done to your patient, your conversations, and his complaints --in a clear and specific way.

Final thought...

As an occupational health nurse, there is a high possibility that you encounter those kinds of employees.

Working it out first in a calm way may solve the issue and keep you away from any possible bigger problem.

In case the situation aggravated, you can always look back to those tips and implement them in your work.

Handling angry employees properly, with benefits of both the employee and the company in mind, will always be the best action we could ever do as an occupational health nurse.

Your Turn..

Do you have other strategies and techniques in handling angry patients? Share it with me in the comment section.

About the Author: Jefferson Aquino a.k.a Jepoy is a Professional Nurse working in Saudi Arabia for many years. You can also find him at OFW Forum where Filipino Expatriates around the globe meet.

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